
Kurt Vonnegut

An American author.

Slaughterhouse-Five or the Children’s Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death

optometrist Billy Pilgrim survives Dresden firebombing and returns to Illium New York. kidnapped by aliens from Tralfamadore who teach about 4D world

God Bless You, Mr Rosewater

The Sirens of Titan

Cat’s Cradle

The narrator once set out to write The Day the World Ended about the Hiroshima bombing. He talks to Newt Hoenikker about his father’s involvement with the bomb. Newt had been scared of his father. Newt gets engaged to Zinka, a Russian dancer. He goes to Felix (the Father)’s childhood home of Ilium, where his friends had called him secret agent X-9. Asa Breed gives John a tour of the laboratory where Felix had invented ice nine as a solution for mud. Felix has a small tombstone, while his wife has a huge one. He had given the ice nine to his kids, and one used it get a husband, while one uses it to become a mayor San Lorenzo. Everyone on the island practices bokononism, which is outlawed and punishable by death. During the festival of the hundred martyrs, a man swallows ice nine. A plane then crashes into his castle, which slides into the sea, making all the water on earth solid.

Player Piano

Paul Proteus manages an automated Ilium Factory. There are the engineers, and the Reeks and Reclamation Corps. His friend Ed Finnerty convinces him there are drawbacks to automation. His wife Anita is unconvinced. Meanwhile, Doctor Halyard leads The Shah of Bratpuhr around. Paul is asked to infiltrate the Ghost Shirt Society, which is led by Lasher and Finnerty. They stage a rebellion, and have some success, but get discouraged and turn themselves in.