
Toni Morrison

An African-American author, the first Black woman to win a Nobel Prize in Literature. She also won a Pulitzer for Beloved.

The Bluest Eye

About Pecola Breedlove, a Black foster child who considers herself ugly and wishes she had blue eyes.

Tar Baby


About Sethe, a slave who escaped from Sweet Home plantation in Kentucky to 124 Bluestone Road in Cincinatti. Sethe is haunted by the ghost of Beloved, a daughter she killed to prevent her from being returned to slavery.

Song of Solomon

About the life of Macon Dead III, who is nicknamed “Milkman” because he is breastfed by his mother for a long time.

Robert Smith puts on blue silk wings and throws himself off the Mercy Hospital. Milkman Dead is the first baby born in said hospital. He is raised by his aunt Pilate, sisters First Corinthians and Magdalene, and Cousin Hagar. He robs Pilate’s shack with his friend Guitar, a member of the Seven Days hate group. He meets a midwife named Circe who delivered his grandfather. He stays in the small town of Shalimar, and hears of his great grandfather, the flying african Solomon. Guitar shoots Pilate