
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

An American author. One of the Cambridge Poets. He translated the Divine Comedy into English.


Gabriel Lajeunesse sent to Los Angeles and Evangeline Bellefontaine to New England when Acadians expelled from Nova Scotia. They meet again in Philadelphia where she is nurse and he dies.

Song of Hiawatha

Ojibway Indian Hiawatha raised by grandmother Nokomis, daughter of the moon. Revenges mom Wenonah against dad West Wind. Teaches peace with whites. Wife Minnehaha becomes ill and they go to Northwest Wind.

Courtship of Miles Standish

Plymouth Plantation: shy military man Miles Standish asks John Alden to woo Priscilla Mullins for him, but she marries John instead, and Miles gives blessing.

My Lost Youth

youth in Portland, Maine

Village Blacksmith

The Building of the Ship

The Children’s Hour

The Wreck of the Hesperus

Tales of a Wayside Inn

collection of poems in style of Canterbury Tales. includes “Paul Revere’s Ride”, “Elizabeth”, “The Battle of Carmilhan”, “Emma and Eginhard”, “The Saga of King Olaf”.