
Nathaniel Hawthorne

An American author.

The Scarlet Letter

Salem: Hestor Prynne forced to wear A for committing adultery but won’t reveal dad’s name. Physician husband Richard Chillingworth suspects minister Arthur Dimmesdale, who dies after confessing. Daughter Pearl finally cries

Twice-Told Tales

tales including, “Howe’s Masquerade”, “The Grey Champion”, “The Great Carbuncle”, and “The Minister’s Black Veil”. The title is from King John

Moses from an Old Manse

25 stories including “Young Goodman Brown”, “The Birthmark”, “Rappaccini’s Daughter”, and “The Celestial Railroad”

The House of Seven Gables

Salem: Colonel Pyncheon obtained land for House of Seven Gables by accusing owner Matthew Maule of witchcraft. Maule cursed Pyncheons. Clifford Pyncheon jailed for murder of uncle actually committed by Judge Jaffrey Pyncheon. PHoebe and Holgrave, a descendant of Maule, fall in love and break the curse

Marble Faun

Italian count Donatello loves Miriam and kills her pursuer Antonio. Artist Hilda witnesses murder, confesses to priest, and loves Kenyon

The Blithedale Romance

based on Brook Farm. Miles Coverdale narrates. Zenobia loves Hollingsworth who loves Priscilla.


Fanshawe loves Ellen Langdon, ward of Harley College President Dr. Melmoth but givers her to man she loves and dies. modeled on Bowdoin

The Dolliver Romance

Unfinished. Dr. Dolliver makes elixir to care for granddaughter Pansie but Colonel Dabney wants it for selfish reasons and dies

Tanglewood Tales

“Rappaccini’s Daughter”

Doctor Rappaccini nourishes daughter Beatrice on poisons so she may help with dangerous plant experiments. She dies drinking antidote from faithless suitor.

“The Birthmark”

Aylmer removes birthmark from perfect wife Georgiana, killing her

“Young Goodman Brown”

Puritan Brown, led by old man, observes wife Faith at a witches’ Sabbath in the woods and returns to Salem a sad man.