
Federico Garcia Lorca

A Spanish author.

See Qwiz5’s article for more information

“Lament for the Death of a Bullfighter”

Includes sections about “The Spilled Blood” and “The Laid-Out Body”, repeating lines like “I don’t want to see it!” and “at five in the afternoon.”

The House of Bernada Alba

A play in which only women have speaking roles. Ends with Adela hanging herself after her lover is shot by Bernada Alba, an overbearing matriarch.

Gypsy Ballads

The Death of Tony Camborio

Happened on the Guadalquivir

The Gypsy Nun

Ballad of Black Pain

Romance Sonambulo

Gacela (Or Ghazal) of Dark Death

Blood Wedding

The Bridegroom goes out to cut grape vines. His mother is afraid of knives. The Bridegroom’s father and Brother were killed by the Felix family. The Bride used to run around with Leonardo Felix. Felix is currently trying to calm his baby by singing a lullaby about a horse who wouldn’t drink because its hooves were bleeding. He is rough on his horse and claims he’s not. The Bride throws down orange blossoms and says a cold wind is moving through her. Leonardo shows up and talks to the Bride. Leonardo and the Bride obviously have something going on. The Bride and Leonardo have escaped on a horse. A bunch of woodcutters, the moon and an old beggar woman who represents death narrate the scene. The Bridegroom and Leonardo die.