
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

A Russian author.

Cancer Ward

Oleg Kostoglotov has just been released from a labor camp and has stomach cancer. He falls in love with a nurse named Zoya. The older nurse Vera helps him with treatment. Oleg is discharged. Pavel Nikolayevich Rusanov is discharged just because no one likes him

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

Ivan Denisovich survives a day in a Soviet labor camp

The First Circle

Nerzhin [like Solzhenitsyn] is inmate in sharashka prison where educated people continue research. Lev Rubin [like Lev Kopelev] maintains faith in Communism

The Gulag Archipelago

acronym for Soviet Chief Administration of Corrective Labor Camps. literary investigation of prison camps 1918-1956