
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

A Russian author.

See Qwiz5’s article for more information

Crime and Punishment

St. Petersburg: Raskolnikov murders old pawnbroker and her sister. his motives are proven false by his conscience. turns to prostitute Sonya Marmeladovna, who convinces him to confess to policeman Porfiry Petrovich. Raskolnikov and Sonya go to Siberia

The Idiot

Prince Mishkin pities Nastasya Filipovna, whom Rogozhin loves. Mishkin proposes to Aglaya Epanchin. Rogozhin tries to murder Mishkin and does kill Natasya

The Possessed

spiritual nihilist Nikolay Stavrogin commits crimes and infects Shatov and Kirilov with ideas he does not believe. Lizaveta Nikolayevna loves Stavrogin but he marries cripple Marya Lebyadkin. Pyotr Verkhoven tries to get Stavrogin to join revolution. Verkhovensky murders Shatov

The Brothers Karamazov

Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov and son Dimitry compete for Grushenka. Fyodor is murdered. Dmitri [passionate] brought to trial. Ivan [intellectual] feels guilty. Alyosha [mystical] introduces Zosima. Smerdyakov [bastard]. Ivan tells Alyosha The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor parable [Jesus is arrested by Inquisition in Seville]

The Double

government clerk Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin driven mad with another Golyadkin appears and succeeds as he had yearned to. helped by servant Petrushka

A Diary of a Writer

includes The Meek One and The Dream of a Ridiculous Man stories

Notes from the Underground

recounts adventures of author’s life

The Raw Youth

Versilov’s illegitmate son Arkady goes to St. Petersburg but learns his dad is his rival for Katerina Akhmatovo. Arkady gets brain fever and is visited by pilgrim Makar Dolgoruky. Arkady abandons plan to become Rothschild and make money to get power

The Insulted and Injured

Vanya loves Natasha Ikhmeneva but helps her woo Alyosha Valkovsky. Ivan and Prince Valkovsky debate philosophy. Dickens character Nelly appears

The Friend of the Family

Foma Opsikin rules household by playing on master’s guilt

The Gambler

Aleksey Ivanovich has gambling weakness. Polina based on Dostoyevsky’s lover

Poor Folk

drunk clerk Makar Devushkin loves Vavara Dobroselova but she marries wealthy landlord

The Eternal Husband

Pavel Pavlovich Trusotsky torments wife’s ex-lover Aleksey Ivanovich Velchaninov and mistreats his girl