
Ngozi Adichie

A Nigerian author.

The Thing Around Your Neck


Ifemelu breaks up with her boyfriend Blaine. She sends a letter to her old boyfriend Obinze in Nigeria. Flashback. Ifemelu had had to work for a tennis coach as a relaxation assistant to get through school. She babysits for Kimberly. Wambui encourages her to wear her hair natural. Obinze still lives and works in London. He marries Cleotilde so he can stay in the country. She marries the professor Blaine. They break up after a protest. Aunty Uju’s son Dike tries to kill himself. Ifemelu goes back to Nigeria. She rekindles her relationship with Obinze (who she affectionately calls “Ceiling”) and he divorces Kosi and goes back to Ifemelu.