
Salman Rushdie

An Indian author.

Midnight’s Children

Saleem Sinai thinks he is dying, so him and his companion Padma decide to tell his story. Flashback to his grandpa Aadam Aziz, who falls in love with Naseem (sheet woman). They have Alia, Mumtaz, Emerald, Mustapha and Hanif. Aadam follows Mian Abdullah and harbors Nadir Khan. Ahmed and Amina buy a house from William Methwold. Wee Willie Winky and Amina’s babies are switched by Mary Pereira. Saleem’s sister is known as the Brass Monkey. Saleem has a large nose. General Zulfikar overthrows Pakistan. Saleem’s memory is erased by a falling silver spittoon. He lives with Parvati the Witch and Picture Singh. He marries Padma at a Chutney factory.

Satanic Verses