
Gunter Grass

A German author.

The Crabwalk

Paul Prokriefke was born on the same day as the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff.The narrator learns that his estranged son Konrad is also interested, due to the influence of his mother Tulla. He starts a website that contains a dialogue between Wilhelm Gustloff and David Frankfurter. They eventually meet in Schwerin. Konny shoots Wolfgang and says “I shot because I am a German”

The Tin Drum

Protagonist leads some terrorists, becomes a nude model, engraves headstones, and becomes a jazz drummer. Protagonist is comvicted of murdering a nurse and claims to be Jesus when he’s arrested.

Cat and Mouse

Joachim Mahlke wants to be a clown. He and his friends dive to find treasure. An old submarine captain talks to them at school, and they steal his Iron Cross. He becomes a war hero, but deserts his post after they won’t let him give a speech at his school. His friend Pilenz sends him on another dive down to the u-boat. He is never seen again.

Dog Years

Edouard Amsel and Walter Matern are friends. Edouard is great at making scarecrows. The mine owner Brauxel narrates their childhood in the Vistula Estuary. Later, Amsel gathers SA uniforms for his scarecrows. Walter denounces Amsel as a Jew and beats him up. Later, Walter and his new friend Prinz hunt nazis.

Peeling the Onion

The Flounder

4000 years of women in history. narrator married to cook Ilsebill