
Johann von Goethe

A German author.


Mephistopheles and the Lord argue. Faust summons a spirit then attempts suicide. He walks around town with Wagner and is followed home by a black poodle. He decides to study the gospel of John. The devil bets that he can give him one amazing transcendental moment. The devil convinces a student to pursue women instead of knowledge. They go to Auerbach’s cellar and run wine out of holes in a table. They then go to a witch’s cave where two apes make a potion. He becomes enamored with Gretchen. Mephistopholes leaves some jewels in her room. He hides in the forest, but eventually goes back to her. She gets pregnant and freaks out. Faust stabs her brother Valentine. He attends Walpurgis Night and meets Lilith Gretchen kills the baby and goes to jail. They attempt to save her, but fail.

Faust complains “here I stand, with all my lore, poor fool, no wiser than before,” and promises that, if he tells the passing moment “Linger on, you are so lovely,” the devil can take his soul.

Has two parts.

The Sorrows of Young Werther

artistic, talented Werther loves Lotte who marries steadier man. Werther shoots himself

Gotz von Berlichingen

1500s peasent revolt

Iphigenia in Tauris

Orestes goes to Tauris to rescue statue of Artemis, which Apollo said would cure Orestes’ madness. high priestess Iphigenia recognizes brother and they escape

Reineke Fuchs

Reynard the Fox outwits Isengrim the wolf, King Nobel the lion, Sir Bruin the Bear, Tibert the cat, Chanticleer the Cock

Torquato Tasso

based on 1500s Italian poet