
Bertolt Brecht

A German author.

Mother Courage and Her Children

Mother Courage sells trifles to soldiers during Thirty Years War. her 3 kids die

The Threepenny Opera

Polly Peachum marries robber Macheath. music by Kurt Weill

The Life of Galileo

The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahogonny

city founded by pleasure-seekers collapses

Saint Joan of the Stockyards

Joan Dark is a member of the Salvation Army “Black Strawhats” She descends into the underworld of the city to get Pierpont Mauler, a meat packer who closed his factory. She convinces him to buy unwanted food and animals.

The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui

The Cauliflower Trust consists of the members Clark, Sheet, Butcher and Bowl. They plan to bribe mayor Dogsborough. The Gangster Arturo Ui blackmails the mayor with the bribe. Ui uses his hitmen Givola Giri to make them pick between murder or protection. They burn down a warehouse and blame a man named Fish. They decide to expand into nearby Cicero. They kill Ignatius Dullfoot to make things easier. Originally attributed to Mr. Nobody.

The Good Woman of Setzuan

Wong is a water seller who meets three gods. A prostitute named Shen Te offers to hide them in a sewer. They give her money and go off to look for more good people. She buys a tobacco shop, but Mrs. Shin demands Shen Te give her more rice. Everyone wants some of her money, but she tells them to wait for her cousin Shui Ta, who can vouch that she is a good person. She rejects Shu Fu in favor of the worse Yang Sun. She continues to act as the cruel Shui Ta instead of the generous Shen Te. Shen Te as Shi Ta is put on trial for killing Shen Te. The Gods act as judges, and they just tell her to continue to be good. The play ends with a speech attributed to no one, asking the audience what they think would fix the problem.

“To Posterity”