
Jean Baptiste Racine

A French author.


Emperor Titus doesn’t marry Berenice of Palestine because the people object


Theseus’s wife Phaedra loves stepson Hippolyte who repulses her but nurse Oenone says Hippolyte made advances and Theseus calls Neptune to destroy his son. Hippolyte loves Aricie


Esther adopted by Mordecai and replaced Vashti as Ahasuerus’s wife. she saved Israelites from Haman’s plot, who was hanged on gallows he built for Mordecai


Mithridate loves Greek Monime but his son Pharnaces tries to marry her, but she loves his other son Xiphares. Pharnaces refuses to marry princess of Parthia. Xiphares defeats Romans under Pharnaces


1638 Constantinople: sultana Roxane allows Bajazet to be executed when she learns he loves Atalide. Roxane is executed and Atalide commits suicide


Nero poisions Britannicus, his half brother, because he loves Junia

Les Plaideurs

magistrate Dandin locked up by son but hears cases from attic windows. condemns his dog for eating a chicken

Iphigenie in Aulide

Agamemnon plans to sacrifice daughter Iphigenia to get good winds in harbor but slave-girl Eriphile sacrificed instead