
W. Somerset Maugham

A British author.


Title British agent is recruited by a man named R. He accompanies the Hairless Mexican to find a Greek dude. Shares a cab from Petrograd to Vladivostok with a dude named Harrington.

Painted Veil

Title comes from Percy Shelley. Kitty Garstin says “I suppose so” to a marriage proposal by Walter Fane. She has an affair with Charlie Townsend. She heads to mainland China to treat cholera and hang out with French nuns. Walter dies from Cholera.

Cakes and Ale

Title based off Twelfth Night. William Ashenden is commissioned to write a biography of Edward Driffield. Driffield is an author who wrote his best novels with his first wife Rosie.

The Moon and Sixpence

The narrator talks about a dude named Strickland. He is assisted by Dick Stroeve. Tahitian Leper colony?


A ship headed to Apia stops at Pago Pago for quarantine.