
E. M. Forster

A British author.

“The Story of a Panic”

The Machine Stops

The Other Side of the Hedge

Where Angels Fear to Tread

The Celestial Omnibus

Howards End

Wilcoxes, Schlengels, Basts. Margaret Schlengel marries Henry Wilcox and has a turbulent relationship. Helen Schlengel is pregnant with Leonard’s kid, but moves to Munich to hide it. Charles Wilcox accidentally kills Leonard Bast.

The Longest Journey

Rickie Elliott is a student at Cambridge. He is visited by Agnes and Herbert Pembroke. His friend Stewart Ansell refuses to admit Agnes exists. Agnes’s Fiance Gerald dies while playing football, and Agnes and Ricky become engaged. Rickie is actually illegitimate, and becomes friends with his legitimate brother Stephen. Ricky is killed while trying to save Stephen from a train, but he becomes a successful author posthumously.


Maurice Hall is a british schoolboy who gets the talk from one of his teachers. Falls in love with Clive Durham. Clive goes to Greece and comes back straight. Maurice sleeps with the gamekeeper Alec Scudder. Maurice and Alec meet at the British museum. Alec leaves for Argentina. Alec doesn’t actually leave. Clive is disappointed in Maurice

A Room with a View

Lucy Honeychurch goes to Italy with her cousin Charlotte and switches rooms with Mr. Emerson. Mr. Beebe watches her play the piano Lucy faints while watching a knife fight. George Emerson rescues and kisses her. Lucy moves back to Surrey. Cecil Vyse proposes to her and she accepts. George kisses her again, and she breaks off the engagement. She wants to go to Greece with Miss Alans. She decides instead to marry George